Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Grand National Park Trip - Day 1

The day of our big trip finally arrived. Alan and I left early in the morning to go pick up our cheap rental van. It looked a little used, but for the price, we didn't complain. Once we got it home, we cleaned it a little and mounted the sky box that i had borrowed from my friend Greg.

We had lunch, packed up the van and started on our journey! Everything fit in the van with plenty of comfy space for everybody! *whew*

Our destination was Jackson, Wyoming.. and we drove and drove and got there at midnight and fitted a few restroom and quick dinner stops.

It was a rather boring drive without too many exciting things to look at apart from wind mills, rocks and clouds...

We got to our nice hotel Wyoming Inn and quickly settled down for a good night sleep!! 

Mounting the sky box which was a life saver!!

Lots of naps

Our backseat passengers

I was keeping an eye on the sky box that popped open once while we were zooming down the highway! Good thing i brought a bungee with us, so we tied it down! 

Massive wind mills in Wyoming


Interesting clouds..

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