Monday, August 18, 2014

The Garage project

As i panicked about my parents leaving, we decided to tackle one last project - cleaning up and painting the garage. A few weeks ago, we had built a giant shelf to try to get stuff off the floors and have them nicely arranged, but the fact that i had not enough place to hang and organize stuff was still bugging me. And the walls were dirty.

So, off we went. After some quick color picking(Alan and my dad wanted a two-tone grey and white wall), we looked into all possible hooks and picked what we thought was the best option.

We started painting and Friday and didn't finish till Saturday. Putting up the hooks took another day or two. And my dad also built a last minute shoe rack just to try to use up all the wood in the garage!!

I was very pleased with how it all turned out and feel so much better everyday when i drive into the garage! We still have to figure out a solution for the bikes..

Tyler getting some life skills

Painting the door

Painting with Krispy Kream hat

Painting on the grey portion

Everything arranged

Got most things hung up

Check out all our hooks!!

Tyler helping out..

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