Saturday, October 27, 2007

To be induced or not to be induced

That is the question, indeed.

I was in my doctor's appointment on Friday on for my week 39 check up and after some encouraging words about my examination, she asked me "Would you like to be induced next week?"

I would pay good money to see what my expression was at that moment because right after that, she was apologizing profusely for bringing it up. Must have been quite the expression!!

Anyways, she continues to explain that she often offers that as a relief to most pregnant women who are completely done with being pregnant. Reason being:
1) Baby is completely formed and ready
2) The mother feels like crap and sick and tired of waddling like a whale
3) Baby's just going to get bigger inside

But as we weren't really expecting that question, we declined that offer and decided that we could discuss that at the next appointment after i've gone past my due date.

Anyways, I talked to couple of mothers that have been induced and they all sorta agree, if there is no medical reason for it, don't do it.

Hmmm.. decisions.. decisions...

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