Sunday, May 18, 2008

Another hectic weekend..

I was planning for a quiet weekend. But somehow, it sorta went the other extreme.

After some last minute planning, the MLC (Mills, Lutz and Chandrasekara) gang decided to do an English night by first eating some English food at the Wildflowers Tea House and then watching The Commitments. We had a myriad of English food ranging for pasties, shrimp cocktail, yorkshire puds, cheese and onion pies to fish and chips, steak and kidney pies, beef and onion pie and even Spotted Dick! In other words, real English food. Oh, and my favorite Pea and Ham soup!

The food was pretty good and would have been better if they weren't overcooked.

Damith all happy with his food, before he realized they were over done!

After overfilling ourselves with food, we headed over to Steffen's for the movie and then went home to catch some sleep as we had a early start at the Lakewood Tournament.

I didn't intend to play in this tournament, but one of our players couldn't make it, so I was asked to step in. I managed to snag a bronze in Womens Doubles but broke Alan's heart when we lost in our Mixed and got a bronze instead. So, we mended our bruised ego at one of Alan's favorite Middle Eastern Restaurant and again over ate. Our excuse was, we burned lots of calories at the tourney.

Once we got home, Tyler and I took at relaxing bath together and then we both agreed that it had been a long day and perfect for an early night, and we were both konked out and snoring by 8 pm.. :)

1 comment:

Damith, Sabrina & Siobhan said...

I like the 'MLC gang'....glad to be a part of it! :)