Monday, May 26, 2008

Boulder Boulder 2008

It is traditional for Alan to do the Bolder Boulder every year and this year he wanted his son to have his first Bolder Boulder record.

As I wasn't sure that i was going to be able to make the 10k distance with Tyler on my own, Alan made the ultimate sacrifice and did his own 10k run and then made his way back to the starting line(not the same as finishing line) to redo the 10k with Tyler, Armen, Steffen and I.

Alan and *ahem* Steffen after their run..

As it turned out to be a cold day, we bundled up Tyler real good.

There were 54 thousand runners this year and the place was bustling!!! Took us a while to even get to the starting line.

Tyler distracted by the people around him.

Weather got worse as we walked on - check out the dark clouds!

I don't know how Alan and Steffen managed to run 10k and THEN walked 10k coz walking it once just about killed me and i was lagging behind most of them time! I guess it helps to be fit!!!

Was I happy to see the finishing line!!!!

After the race, we met the rest of the group and watched the Memorial Ceremony at the stadium while freezing in the bleechers. Didn't take us too long to realize that the ceremony wasn't that exciting and we went to get some food to fill our cold, tired and hungry bodies.

All of us taking refuge under our umbrellas in the rain

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