Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I can't believe it's May!

I blinked and suddenly it's May. And worse, it's been more than a week since I last blogged. But I have an excuse - I have a child in daycare, which means what? Yes, I've been sick again! Twice since the last blog!!!


First there was the stomach flu(which i have no clue how i caught it) and then Tyler brought home some run of the mill cough, cold and sore throat. One dose for Daddy, one dose for Mummy!!! As Alan and I lay in bed being miserable, he wondered how a little bundle of joy could bring on so much suffering. I just wondered when our inmune system is going to catch up!

But luckily i managed to miraculously have a weekend of quite good health, which was a good thing because my friend Al from New York was in town for a quick visit. Will talk more about it in the next blog.

Here's a little picture for the grandparents.. our little germ carrier

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