It's been more than a week since i last blogged. Not by choice. It's just first week of being back at work, doing house work, looking after Tyler and on top of that, battling with jet lag has definitely pushed me to my limits. I had to sleep at some point, so, i thought blogging could wait for once.
But i think I've caught up. Both Tyler and I have finally switched back to the right time zone and usually only wake up once a night.
Anyways, I'm still trying to establish some sort of schedule but am still doing a few trial and error runs. Just trying to find out what's the most efficient way to do all these activities in the morning:
a) Wake up
b) Shower and dress up
c) Make breakfast
d) Wake Tyler up
e) Get him ready
f) Get his bottles ready
g) Get my bottles ready(wash, sterilize breastpump etc)
h) Feed Tyler
i) Feed myself
j) Get Tyler and I out of the door(easier said than done)
k) Drop him off at Daycare
l) Drive to work
So, everyday i sorta play with the order of these few activities and find that when Alan helps me, it gets done wayyy faster. :)
Anyways, tonight i feel quite good that I've actually made dinner, given Tyler a bath, washed all my bottles, cleaned up my kitchen and now doing my blog! I must be good!! :)
But once again, it's time for bed...