Sunday, February 17, 2008

Valentine's Day

I think Valentine's Day is going out of style. I know more people not wanting to celebrate it than those who does. I mean, who can blame them right? Guys get gouged with very expensive flowers while women get all upset when they don't get flowers. The only person happy is Hallmark, ok, all the florists and restaurants too.

Anyways, Alan likes to celebrate Valentine's Day and so I got a bunch of very beautiful roses for the occasion, though it did arrive on the 13th, which i didn't really mind. One more day to enjoy them, yeah? I did think about selling them to the guys at work to make some extra cash! hehe..

Alan and I enjoying our mighty small portioned meals

I, in turn, took him out for a posh meal. I booked us at the latest rave called SoBo Bistro. Atmosphere was OK and food was not bad and it was the most expensive meal I've paid per volume. We were joking that when we were nearly done, that we should go over to Damith and Sabrina's house for a proper meal!!

Tyler hanging out with Damith and Sabrina

Damith and Sabrina were kind to babysit Tyler for us that night so that Alan and I could have an uninterrupted "romantic" meal and even lived right across the street from the restaurant. How lucky is that??

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