Monday, February 11, 2008

Tyler's Update - 14 weeks

I should do this every month to help me keep track of his progress and to keep all of you amused for a while.

Tyler is now about 13.2 lbs and quite an active young man.

He smiles quite often and laughs when you make snorting pig noises.

He is usually most happy in the morning when he wakes up and babbles non-stop.

He goes to daycare 5 days a week and apparently does not like taking his milk from the bottle.

He rolled over when he was about 10 weeks though i haven't seen him do much of it lately. But he is more mobile when he's in his bed.

He likes to sit up(needs support still) and makes cute little steps when you stand him up.

He loves eating his knuckles and sometimes even chews on his arms.

His grabbing skill is not all there but is able to sometimes grab his toy to put in his mouth

He can lift his head quite well when he's not tired. When he's tired, he gets frustrated and just chews on his arms.

1 comment:

evelyn and patrick said...

Can you put a copy of this picture on Shutterfly for me or send me a copy of my photo frame. Grandma