I didn't really want to go as I've already seen him in concert but she wanted somebody to go with her and was willing to pay for my tickets, so i went! hehehehe...
Delina and I at the concert
Anyways, despite my initial reluctance, i had quite a nice time. His older songs like Blaze of Glory, Bad Medicine, I'll Be There For You etc. brought back sentimental feelings of my youthful years.
Picture of stage setup
Alan who volunteered for baby-sitting duty ended doing a double duty when Delina told me that her mom was going to be at the mall while we were at the concert. I said to her, "But the mall closes at 9 pm and we won't be back till at least 11 pm". So we arranged for Alan to go pick her up so that she doesn't freeze to death. However, some lines must have crossed and Delina's mom ended up leaving multiple messages that says "Delina's mom" on some random person's phone, froze for 1/2 hr and was harrassed 3 times by the police before finally getting a hold of us. I called Alan and he went to her rescue and got her to our house and provided her with water and some risque Spanish soaps(this sentence sounds wrong, but you know what I mean, on tv).

Delina and his mom doting on Tyler
1 comment:
hey siew GIn, Tyler looks so cute. i have to thank you for going with me, i have a nice night with you.thanks to Alan for picking my Mon, she was so cold and afraid there jijiji. and it was so funny when we come back to your house and she was watching soap operas and Alan happy just typing in his computer jajja.
well thanks a lot
love you.
kisses to mi chiquitito lindo Tyler.
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