Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Pink - the new black

This actually happened last week but I didn't have time to update the blog. I walked into Tyler's daycare and thought that the caregiver carrying a little girl. But at a closer look, i realized it was Tyler - in a pair of pink pants!!!

I immediately burst out laughing and asked why my son was wearing pink ruffled pants. She explained that he had a big "blow out" and ran out of pants to wear. So, they looked in their stock of leftover clothes and found a pair of pink pants. They thought it was better pink than cold, i guess.

Anyways, here's my son in pink!

Tyler all smiley in his pink ruffly pants.. i'm pretty sure this is going to haunt him for the rest of his life!


eileen said...

Haha!!! Funny!
I know of someone with an older daughter and a younger son, and to save cost dressed the poor boy in his sister's old clothes (not dresses or skirts, of course). Her excuse was that the baby won't remember anything at all.
Will see how the boy turns out :-)

rach-mommy said...

he looks manly in those pants!!!!