Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Mommy and Me

Alan was away in Shanghai the whole of last week and Tyler and I had a relatively good week. I managed to waltz in to work at past 10 am every morning.

The thing is, I thought as the days go by, i would get more efficient at getting out of the door but alas, each day i was 5-10 mins later than the day before!!! I blame it on Tyler of course because he kept waking me up at odd hours and he tells me it's my fault coz i left the light on.

Anyways, it had been a good week while Alan was away. We were both NOT sick, I managed to cook a few times, read Tyler some books(never actually made it to the end of the book, very long book) and even went to badminton!!

Tyler and I having a goofy picture taken of ourselves.. couldn't find our party hats though...

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