Here are some updates:
1. Still underweight. Though he has been eating like crazy for the last few weeks, I was completely dumbstruck when the doctor said he lost another 0.5 oz after 2 weeks. Oh well, more food for him, i guess!!!
2. He's got teeth! He got his first tooth around June 10 and the 2nd one a few weeks later(I can't remember).
3. Started his swim class this month. I added a blog specially for it back in June just to boost my June entries. If you didn't see it, go check it out!
4. He is MOBILE!!! Started crawling around Father's Day after he'd been showed up by Mateo. I swear, after Mateo left, he thought about it and managed to do a little gimpy crawl! He crawls with one knee and one foot.

This is what he usually looks like when he crawls. All determined to get at something at all times.
5. Within days of crawling, he stands up along ANYTHING and starts walking(very unstable looking) along it. Alan gave him a diaper box to play with and he thought it was the greatest thing on earth! He pulls himself up, pushes that box like a walker and then scare the crap out of us by letting go!!!
Ooh.. cool.. i can walk with this..
Mom.. want to see something even cooler?
Whoo!! NO HANDS!!!
6. Clapping. Tyler seems to be more advanced than the East Germans in this category. Clapping before 8 months must be unheard of!!!
Now we just need him to clap when we want him to. Just to show off!
7. Still not much sign of his hair though we think it's a little bit improved. Here's a close up shot of his hair.
Our little one deep in thought!