Sunday, June 15, 2008

Alan's first Father's Day

Father's Day for Alan started with a refreshing early run with Steffen(why people do this, i don't understand!!), which sorta put a damper in his plans to have breakfast in bed. Unless it's normal for people to wake up, go for a run, take a shower and get back in bed for breakfast? Sounds a little strange to me, but the concept of breakfast in bed is something i never caught on.

Anyways, I made his favorite bacon rolls and while he in the shower, I prepped Tyler up for his presentation of the card he made the day before(read previous blog) which was "cleverly" disguised in a diaper(Tyler's idea). He gave it to Alan who was quite pleased with the card. Just to remain in Alan's good books, i also presented my card and added chocolate for extra points.

Gotcha daddy!!

Tyler feeling pleased with his card... :)

Then we went down for a quick breakfast before we had to leave to go meet the MLC gang for a hike at Red Rocks.

At breakfast Not-in-bed

We did a little short hike around the Red Rocks Amphitheater and while i peaked out at the amphitheater, the rest of the gang did a bonus hike to the top of the amphitheater. And while we were there, my phone rang and once again, i've forgotten another guest who is coming to town!!!

Our goofy shot of the day..

A nice shot of the rocks.. and us

To be continued...

1 comment:

Alan Mills said...

Thanks Mummy and Tyler for a great day