Saturday, June 21, 2008

A few days with the Andrews

As promised, the Andrews came back to our house on Thursday night!! Unfortunately, I was completely swamped at work to be able to take time off Friday to spend the day with them. :(

They decided to go to Boulder to try tubing down Boulder Creek again, something i introduced to them a few years ago. From the pictures they took, looks like they are definitely braver than me!!!

Michelle holding on to the tube through the rapids.

Eric rode down the rapids with a smile..

They came back with various war wounds to prove their bravery. After a quick unload from the van, we started preparation for our Mexican feast. Everybody chipped in a little help and soon dinner was on the table.

Everybody managed to fit onto a table

It turned out that it was Britta's birthday the next day. Since they were going to be on the road the whole day, they decided to celebrate it that night.

Britta and her ice-cream cake

Their best Michigan face..

And of course, we had to have some group pics.

It's not often i get to see them and it was definitely a treat to be able to spend time with them. I just wished i had more time to spare!

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