The little man opening up this present..
He was not amused when he found out it was a pair of Xmas jammies and demanded a real present.

This is more like it, but really mom.. you can do better.. where are Grandma's pressies?
After that, we did a video conference call to the UK to talk to Alan's family and check out Jake's toys! Talk about cool toys! That kid has got it all!
At about 10 am, i started the cooking frenzy. I kept thinking, there's really nothing much to do but wrote a list anyways to keep track of the things to do and kept myself pretty much busy till dinner was served.

This is how the boys kept themselves busy while i worked.
In the next few hours, turkey was seasoned and roasted, whipped cream was made, potatoes and parsnips were boiled and roasted, mushrooms were roasted, carrots and peas were steamed, brussel sprouts boiled and tossed with butter pecans, stuffing was prepared, yorkshire pudding was made, gravy made, appetizers(smoked salmon tartare on toasties) were assembled.
I always seem to have a problem making everything serve up smoothly at the end. So, after a little bit of chaos at the end, dinner was served!

Cheers.. Tyler wondering why he wasn't offered any "shame-pain"..
Dinner was enjoyable as we dug in and pulled some crackers and shared some bad jokes. We ate till we couldn't eat no more. Couldn't even think about dessert.
So, pressies..

All the presents under the Xmas tree..

Our guests with their gifts..

Steffen all excited about his fantasy come true.. Tyler was the present boy..

Are any of these mine..?

Family shot..

Whoa.. finally it's my turn.. and thanks grandma & grandpa!! Can't trust my parents for any cool presents!!!
Many hours later, all presents were finally opened. Tea was served and desserts were eaten. Then the group just sat around and played games.
Tyler who was active for most of the day konked out at 7:30 pm..
What an enjoyable Christmas..