Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tyler's 13 month Update

I've been trying to do this but you know..
So, Tyler is now 13 months old. Here are some of his development updates:

1. His walking is now very stable and he often runs. He likes to play catch even though you can over take him in 2 steps. He squeals whenever you run past him. I find quite funny. Although he can pretty get anywhere he wants to, he also enjoys riding on Daddy's shoulder.

2. His dance moves have multiplied. He seems to really like music and usually can't resist dancing to them. He alternately change from the shoulder shake move, to the butt shake move, to a bouncing up and down motion. It's one of my favorite thing to watch. I will have to get a good video and load it up sometime!

3. His molars are starting to come up and i think he has about 11-12 teeth.

4. He isn't speaking yet apart from the occassional "Mum mum" or "mama". But he seems to understand and can follow simple instructions, like "throw the paper in the trash can", or "go sit in your chair" and "hold my hand". He also tries to communicate by pointing to what he wants. He can also signs a little, give kisses and high fives. But all these are all subjected to his mood, of course.

5. But one of the big changes is his cheekiness level. He is very cheeky now and playful and can sometimes laugh hysterically. The picture below is him playing peek-a-boo with his jacket and laughing at himself!
Crazy little man..

His new expression of sucking his lips..

He loves all his new toys from his birthday..

Also very curious and wants to see everything..

6. He is also a little independent these days and enjoys eating by himself(but I still need to feed him so that he actually eats enough). He thinks he can brush his own teeth and gets really mad if you touch his tooth brush.
7. He is currently in a 12-18 month class and enjoys his day making crafts and playing.

Tyler in his class..

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