Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Preparation

I have once again fallen behind in my blogging by more than a week, but I literally ran out of time. For this, I would like to do a separate blog to give tribute to wives all over the world.

I panicked last weekend when i realized I had less than a week to get ready for Christmas. I haven't made any cookies, sent out any Xmas cards, written my Xmas card, planned Xmas dinner, bought any Xmas gifts. On top of that, we have a trip to Sri Lanka and India in Jan that we haven't planned. Aiyiyi.. so, that weekend, while my friends partied, I worked my tail off. :(

But at the end of the weekend, I had something to show for it:

1) I had some pictures from my Xmas card(they are in the mail!). Here are some of my attempts.

One of the best shots..


Doesn't Tyler look so much older in this pic?

I love that new hat on him.. doesn't stay on very long though..

Approaching crankiness..

Crankiness reached.. end of photo session..

2) I made some cookies.

Lacy oatmeal, chocolate thumbprints, sugar cookies, russian teacakes and chocolate vanilla swirls.

3) Designed and ordered Xmas cards (look out for them in the mail)

4) Planned our India trip.

5) Planned Xmas menu and did most of Xmas dinner shopping.

Yay!! And we even got to go to a party at Steffen's on Sunday night. We had good time eating home made pizza and watched a funny German love comedy called Keinohrhasen. Very good. Highly recommended. But apparently funnier if you understood German.


eileen said...

Oh my goodness woman..
You did all that in one day?????
I'm tired just reading about it.
Received your Christmas card and letter. As usual they were lovely :-)
Happy New Year!

siewgin_alan_tyler_cody said...

No, i did that over the weekend.. you're right. It was tiring!!