Monday, May 31, 2010

Bolder Boulder 2010 - The Best 10k in America - Alan's run

As voted by Runners World Bolder Boulder 10K is the best 10k in America .  I have run this for many years, and for the last three have run it not once but twice, the first time on my own the second time with the extended Millser Family (Tyler, Cody, Siew Gin and Steffen).

The event always attracts around 50,000 runners and I always say I am going to train, but never seem to get round to it.  This year  I had the opportunity to run a lot in the Philippines and traded heat/humidity for altitude.

I was hoping to finish in under 50 minutes, which is roughly 8 minutes per mile, this is a far cry from my glory days, but as I had lost weight and trained I thought my chances were good..

On arrival in the US I was planning to run a couple of times before the event to get used to the altitude, but Cody passed on his cough, so thought it better to rest and just see how I did on the day.

A very early start and a temperature about half of the Philippines greeted me as I started at 7:06am, I kept track of each mile and when I passed halfway in 23 minutes I knew that I would crack 50 minutes.  I finished in a quite respectable 47 minutes 1 second, probably could knock a further two minutes off if I hadn't felt so bad with coughing.

Here are the mile splits Mile1=0:07:11, Mile2=0:07:27, Mile3=0:07:47, Mile4=0:07:38, Mile5=0:07:31, Mile6=0:07:47, Finish=0:47:01

As you can see a fast start (first mile is partly downhill), and then roughly even splits..

I also crudely mapped the elevation and you can see that I pretty much follow the elevation, so on a flat course should have a much better time

This is the first time I have run 10K in a year, even in training I dont run this far, so felt good that I finished.

Finishing position was 2804 out of 55,400 or very close to top 5%...

Then it was back to the start and a chance to do it all again..


Benjamin said...

Nice job Alan. Impressive - for an old geezer. :) Just kidding, that is way better than I could hope for. Nice to see you guys briefly.

Damith, Sabrina & Siobhan said...

As long as you continue to finish with a better time than Steffen, we are behind you all the way! :) Keep up the training!