Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Our first social event - Tyler's slumber party

When we were back in Colorado, parties, gatherings and dinners were a regular thing in the Mills household. But since we've been here, our house has been uncharacteristically quiet, mainly due to a few reasons:

i) i have no friends..
ii) i still have no friends!! ha!

But i have been working hard on the friend aspect and hopefully i'll have a proper dinner party at some point. In the meantime, i thought i'd give myself a practice run entertaining little kids instead. I figured they were less critical! So, when Tyler's school asked me if i could host a slumber party, i immediately said yes!

I figured, a party for 9 kids would be a breeze. But i forgot i was in the Philippines. Each kid came with a maid!! So, my simple party instantly became a party for almost 25!!

Anyways, the party was good fun for me and the kids. There were music and toys, plenty of screaming and lots of jumping on the bed and only 1 boo-boo! Here are some pictures:

Miraculously, we managed to herd them onto 1 area for a quick photo

9 kids, all in different directions

Tyler's drum was a big success

Tyler the "host" helping himself to his tea party

Bed time story

Peek-a-boo never gets old!

The thank you award presentation

Anyways, it was fun for me and i look forward to having some adults over at some point. I think i'm almost ready!

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