As part of my new years resolution, i would like to get better at cake decorating. So, i decided to take a cake decorating class at the local hobby shop.
So, on Tuesday i headed over there after work planning to register just before the class start but of course i came late and had the teacher glaring at me with evil eyes and snide comments. But i was determined and sat down.
Class was quite informative and after about what felt like an hour, i thought "the class must be wrapping up soon". That's when the teacher say, "OK, if you would like to take out your tips and icing, we can do a little practice."
I was like "huh??.. What??.. what tips? " And sure enough everybody whips out their fancy packets of decorating tips and icing and i sat there stuttering like an idiot and saw that i did come into the class with a blue sheet that had a list of things to bring for the first day of class! Doh!!!
She told me maybe i can watch.. so i said ok.. since the class is going to end anyways. Then the went around tinkering with their tips and bags and icing while i watched and after a while she said, "now, that you are ready, you can practice on your cookies!". I was like "what??? what cookies??!!"
At this point, i said to her, i'll just got get the stuff since the class is in the shop!! She said OK but my classmates, sweet ladies, told me i could just share theirs. I was like.. OK.. that'd be nice..
So, i got to practice some stars.. which i already knew how to make and the class turned out ok in the end.
Of course, at the end of the class, after i missed 2 of Alan's calls, i decided to check the time and found that the class had extended by an hour. And i had to open my mouth.. "Is this class one hour or 2?? And the teacher looked sadly at me and sad.. "It's 2 hrs, dear.."
Now, i know what it feels to be the slacker and idiot in class.. *sigh*