When we got there, he didn't seem TOO interested in the fishes in the tanks but did find other things interesting like puddles(!!), ducks, tiger(why a tiger in an aquarium i don't understand) and waterfalls.

Tyler and Daddy at the entrance with shark

Whoa.. that's a big fish..

Whoo!! Puddles!!! *splash splash* (in the back, Tyler tyler.. look fish..)
We saw some divers in some of the bigger tanks and pointed it out to Tyler. Unfortunately, Tyler found it extremely terrifying and even screamed and tried to run away when the diver came close. haha.. as evil parents, i of course found that soooo funny!!! He hid his face in Daddy's shoulders for the rest of the tour whenever there was a big tank!!!

Arrgghhh!!!! What is that monster???

A family picture..

A walk thru the drier part of the aquarium.. he looks more confident..
Anyways, it was nice little short trip, but maybe other attractions are a little more worthy of our money!!
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