Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pikes Peak 14er

We have visited Pikes Peak 14,110 feet a few times, by railway and by car, so thought it was high time that we hiked up this 14er.

Steffen and I set off early Saturday morning, and after a 2 hour drive, set off on the trailhead just after 7:30am, 3 hours later, after 6.2 miles, 4,000 elevation feet gain, and a lot of rock scrambling we made it to the top, where I had a celebratory fries and soda.
We headed back down and this was tough, we came down in 2 hours 45 minutes, my ankle was still sore which didnt help and the steepness of the trail didnt allow for a quick route down.

We got back to the car just as the lightning started, followed by hail, so perfect timing.

Mount Evans may well be our next 14er

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