I've been melting chocolate to make desserts for a long time and i've always wondered what the fuss was about regarding the whole double boiler and having the water NOT boil but slow simmer. Well, i found out today because i think i was getting a little cocky!
Either overheated or seized chocolate
If you're reading this and you're attempting to melt chocolate, please be aware that those cook books really do know what they are talking about. Don't boil the water and make sure you keep watch to make sure:
a) the chocolate is free of water
b) the chocolate does not get too hot.
I was not a happy camper to have to remelt new chocolate and of course i ran out of my good chocolate. Good thing i had some other Ghiradelli ones in the fridge.
The one on the left is what it's supposed to look like.. smooth and homogenous!
Anyways, i was NOT ready to throw away 12 oz of my precious french chocolate. So, i looked up and tried to "fix it". I think i got close..
Added shortening to "fix it" and it sorta worked!
So, anyways what exactly is the end result for all these hoohah??
Chocolate mousse!!!
Even got to use my new piping skill!!
Let's hope it's good. It's currently chilling in the fridge, no, it really is chilling..
Update : General consensus is that the taste is good but the texture is a little off. Kinda grainy. Though it does get a little better when it's left out to "thaw" a little.
I'll be less cocky next time and respect the temperature a little more!