Friday, May 25, 2012

Annular Eclipse

There was an eclipse on Sunday and thanks to Adam who made us some light boxes for the kids, i remembered about it and got to watch this cool event!

Since it coincided with dinner time and it was cloudy, we decided to have a picnic in the park while waiting for the sun to peek out from the clouds.

The sun did finally peek out a few times allowing us to view it and Tyler was particularly excited when he saw it thru the solar glasses. Cody preferred to point to the 1/4 inch image on the box! He probably was confused why we were calling the moon a sun!! ha!

Picnic while waiting for the sun to peek out

Cody and I checking out the eclipse thru the light box


Tyler was very excited when he saw it thru the dark glasses. He said, "oh yeah, i can see it!!!"

Three boys in a box

Alan and I reliving our moment when we saw a full eclipse in Africa

Happy to share this moment with my sons.. :) I'm a geek like that... 

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