Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Belle cake for our little princess Sienna

I've been promising Sienna a princess cake for months, just to hype it up for her birthday. But to my horror, i am actually going away for her birthday and have been feeling super guilty about it. So, since we had the Heide's over for our 2nd couples night, i did a quick surprise Belle cake for this little princess.

I've been reading all about it and looking thru hundreds of pictures but i was still pretty unsure about how successful i was going to be at making the cake and decorating it. But the lack of time and icing solved that problem for me!

The dome came out a little doughy and i ran out of yellow icing to allow me to any fancy decoration, so i actually finished the cake in 1 hr! :)

Belle cake - Belle from Beauty and the Beast

And for those who are confused, yes, it is a cake. The doll is a doll and she stands inside a cake dome. Anything waist down is edible(well, apart from her legs inside the cake!!).

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