Sunday, June 24, 2012

Batman and his stuntman

I always found kids having an opinion about what they want to wear, seriously, quite annoying. Especially when they insist on wearing what they want. So, to make it easier on the process, i often have to resort to their favorite characters.

Tyler and Cody has recently calling super heroes - "tonk tonk to-tonk tonk". It's like a song. Maybe they picked it up from a song or something. So, they would say, i want to wear my "tonk tonk to-tonk tonk" jammies. Makes it worse when i also have to repeat it, "Your tonk tonk to-tonk tonk jammies is in the wash!!" Even THEY found it hilarious when i repeat such stupid statements!!!

Anyways, since we're trying to transition Cody into big boy jammies, we had to go buy more, you guessed it,  tonk tonk to-tonk tonk jammies!!!

You have to look mean!.... Like this??

No, like this!!!

Maybe i'll just blend in

This is what you have to constantly live with.. flying kids!!

And he dared to say, "you made me jump, mommy!!"


Benjamin said...

Nice leaping form! I hope he was landing on something soft... Too cute!

Siew Gin Mills said...

Yeah, he was landing on my bed!