Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bolder Boulder 2012

Like all other years, we took part in the Bolder Boulder this Memorial Day. We usually have somebody to help us carry the kids apart from Alan each year but this year, we were on our own which turned out to be a good thing as it forced the kids to actually do some walk/run!

We were quite impressed that Tyler managed to do 7 out of 10 km and even Cody did 2 km on his own. Alan was obviously the super trooper to haul the kids whenever he can while i felt pretty good this year and did a lot of cheering, threatening, encouraging and tricking to get the kids to walk the extra steps! 

We did it in about 2 hrs which i thought was pretty good considering we were doing 2 kilometer worth of crawling speed when Cody was walking on this own.

Picture before the start

Swapping of kids at KM 3

Cody walking.. not the happiest camper

Tyler recharging his batteries

2 kids on Daddy for a couple of km

Tyler and Mommy 

Tyler's 2nd walking stretch

Cody checking out some scenery

Finally, we made it!!!

After the race, we headed to a new Thai restaurant to try it out. Hot tom yum!!!!

Yummy thai food for lunch

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